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Monday 21 January 2013

Its Not Always How It Looks

Two Angels were on a long journey and decided to rest when they got tired. They stopped at a rich man's house to rest, they were given a bad hospitality and sent to the basement to spend their night.
At night, the older Angel repaired the broken walls in the basement, and younger one didn't like it. The next day, they continued their journey, they happened to rest again, but this time it was in a poor man's house who was a farmer, they rested in. But this time, they enjoyed the hospitality and was given a better place to sleep.
At night the farmer's cattle died and the farmer wept bitterly. But this confused the younger Angel as He asked; "Its quite unfair that the man who didn't welcome us properly you repaired the holes in his basement and now you didn't do anything about this man's cattle who treated us well." To this the older Angel answered;
"Its not always how it looks. I sealed the walls in the rich man's basement where he stored his wealth, he can't reach them anymore. But in the farmer's house, the Angel of Death came in the night to wipe the entire family and I diverted it to the cattle." 
In every bad situation, just believe that God has prevented a worse situation.
I know, why didn't He prevent it with a good situation, could be your question.
But my question is, "How would He know the size of our Faith in Him, if we are not tested?"

Hope Your Weekend Was Blissful? Have a lovely week ahead!

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